Critical Action for Reasonable Energy

 Critical Action for Reasonable Energy Private Members Association (C.A.R.E.) is for people who wish to take a peaceful, moral, and lawful stand against the profiteering of billing companies and their unfair deemed ‘contracts’.

IMPORTANT! Please note that this association does NOT advocate the stopping of all payments for utilities used. Instead, we promote paying a fair price for our energy, plus a small administration fee to the billing companies for their costs in metering our energy use.

Nor do we promote changing existing meters for your own – although anyone who has done this already may find our process protects them from legal action and warrants of entry if they become a member of C.A.R.E.

Why should you join C.A.R.E?

  • If you no longer consent to the rampant profiteering of the utility brokerage firms in order to satisfy the greed of their shareholders and comply with ridiculous green tariffs at the expense of ordinary people and their lives
  • If you’re outraged by the doubling of the Standing Charge that ensures the poorest and most vulnerable in society will still be hit with bills – even if they turn everything off.  
  • If you feel swindled by the government after being promised that privatisation would remove the monopoly on energy, drive down costs, and offer a better standard of service compared to keeping the people’s resources in our own hands.
  • If you’re frustrated you can’t switch energy companies… which begs the question, haven’t we all been forced into a monopoly by stealth?
  • If you feel like we’re in the grip of a cartel… Of government, OFGEM (a subset of government), the National Grid (which we fund from general taxation), regional suppliers, and the utility brokers posing as suppliers that force us into contracts we do not consent to under the guise of ‘deemed contracts’.
  • If you want to be part of a group of people who will no longer accept the excuse of prices rising due to wholesale price increases whilst watching the utility brokers raking in record profits.
  • And if you’ve had enough of our country’s assets being sold to foreign companies and the increasing transfer of wealth from the people to those at the top.
  • If you’re starting to question why a war ANYWHERE would affect the price of our gas – given we have North Sea Gas, which is far more plentiful than you are told.

Lets create our OWN solutions

If you wish to be part of the solution to this problem using only the law, fairness, and the power of ordinary people in large numbers, then please sign up and join us.

Join the Private Members association

Please note that we ask that you pay a nominal £1 subscription fee to become a member of the association. This helps offset the costs in running this website – but primarily, it is there to deter industry spies and timewasters. However, if you feel you could chip in a little more to help us out, your kind donation would be most appreciated.

Please note that this association is run completely in the private as a non-profit members association by ordinary men and women, like yourselves, who have had enough of being ripped off. At the point of signing up, you will be asked to agree to a Non-Disclosure Agreement. This protects us all and ensures that no one can discuss our private matters beyond the confines of the website – not to the media, not to perceived authority, and not to non-members.

Please see our FAQs for more information.